Sunday, October 7, 2018

A Chat with the Tax Man

Task man said, “I am extremely happy that many of my relatives are in your country, the latest been internet tax.
 “But why are you happy when my people hate you and they wish they had a way of getting rid of you,” I asked.
He chuckles and taps my shoulder, “look, wherever you go many of my kinds are introduced and your minister has brought back sales tax, another name for VAT.”
“How unfair, so you are happy to torture poor people like this?” I asked.
“You are adding so many burdens to people who are financially disadvantaged already.”
He looks at me with sharp eyes, “you are right, but let me give you a proper definition of tax unlike what you are taught in school.”
He continued,” tax is money that is collected from citizens so that the politicians never die of starvation.”
“But politicians already have disposable income,” I interjected.
“Who said so? Because after they increase their salaries, they still complain that the money is not enough,” He replied.
“See, that’s why they love people like you who are young and energetic: Because you will work harder every passing day so that they can come and get most of your earnings in form of tax.”
He continued, “These guys are really obsessed with tax and that is the reason why they even arrest you for attempting suicide. They know how much money you can give them until you expire due to old age.”
“Your minister a few weeks ago presented your national budget; do you know that the word tax appeared more than the word economy? That’s how much important we are.”
I bit my tongue as he continues to speak.
“And your country has only a few of us, then why all these cries?” He asked.
I replied,” I mentioned earlier on that most of us are not rich, have mercy on us.”
He scans my eyes and says, “My friend, you can’t survive the tax system in the western world. Imagine the federal government collecting about 100 taxes annually from you, not to mention the various taxes a state imposes on you.”
“What kind of taxes makes that list?” I asked.
“Inheritance tax, climate change levy even if you own no industry,” He replied.

Fellows from that side take us serious because you can easily get arrested if you fail to comply.
“Do you remember Wesley?” He asked.
I replied,” Yes, I was a big fan of his vampire movies.”
They never cared how much entertainment he brought, he was thrown behind bars.
He added, “And your favourite footballer.”
“Come on you mean, Leo?” I asked.
“He is only a magician on the pitch; the spell failed to perform on a tax man otherwise he was going to get caged,” He replied.
“My friend, just tighten up your belts because slowly but sure, my specie will flood your payslips and if you choose to remain out of employment, we have a way to access your wallet.”

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Teenage Gang: Why the Rise?

News of people mostly living in urban or peri-urban areas getting terrorized by gangs has become so common in modern era than was in the past.
On May 9, 2018 the nation woke up to shocking news of 14 juveniles with the youngest 14 years old arrested of heinous crimes on the Copperbelt with the Human Rights Commission requesting the Zambian Police to further investigate the formation of gangs that will help in combating gangsterism.
And Zambia Police Service spokesperson Esther Katongo said the juveniles were arrested pertaining to a video that was circulating on social media showing them severely beating a helpless 16 year old boy.
“Fourteen thugs who participated in the gruesome beating of a male person in the video circulating on social media have been arrested by police,” She said.
One would wonder as to what could prompt teenagers to act in such an inhumane manner. Why are adolescents then willing to join these gangs.
According to a research by Psychology Today there are several motives that cause teenagers to engage themselves in acts of criminality and these among others are: peer pressure, money motives, need for prestige, family backgrounds, presence of gangs in the neighbourhood, poverty, abuse from adults or peers, lack of success in other areas of life such as school and also access to drugs and weapons.
The major influence is exposure to negative media products such as gangster music and movies that portray a gangster life as one filled with fun, fortune and power which promises a fairytale of “Rags to Riches”.
Juveniles therefore lack the maturity and critical thinking to to distinguish popular culture as portrayed in the media with reality. Hence, can not fully understand the consequences of belonging to a gang.
An idle life where these adolescents have lack or no alternative activities to occupy their attention becomes a soft spot for gangs to recruit them.
Gangsterism may be difficult to eradicate as there are far too many things that could influence a child to join gangs.
However, there are some ways that parents need to undertake to prevent their kids from joining gangs such as spending quality time with children to show them love and a sense of belonging, getting involved in child’s school activities, being a positive role model such as taking a strong action against illegal activity and knowing your childs friends.
Counselling children over: succeeding in academics, dangers of gang involvement and associations.
And the role of government should be promotional of recreational fascilities to help keep the juveniles occupied in meaningful activities.
Together, we can combat the rise of teenage gangs and better their lifes so that they grow into more responsible adults.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Nowadays it is no longer a surprise to see almost anyone with a smartphone in Africa, great thanks to technology hence allowing users to access the internet at unprecedented levels.

According to a report published by GSMA on Africa’s mobile economy number of smartphone connections across the continent almost doubled over the years, reaching 226 million. Selling prices have dropped from an average of $230 in 2012 to $160 in 2015.

It’s no doubt this immense development has brought access to knowledge on food, culture, economics and politics. With internet explosion, one would argue that Africa would eloquently become informed due to availability of knowledge it’s sad to note otherwise.

But the question is, what do Africans do on internet: browsing, chatting, researching or reading? Due to low levels of innovation and information sharing, one would expect the African culture to find it more fun in reading and researching due to a wide range of materials the internet provides.

Some people are spotted spending countless hours on the internet and having one core business there and certainly one of them is not actually reading. Primarily, what most people do is engage into mindless arguing and professional trolling.

Even with the availability of e-magazines and newspapers, the vast majority of smartphone users continue to remain uninformed.

No matter how accessible things have become, African culture is not just a reading culture by evidence of how it preserved history orally and not literally with barely any written records. This is evidenced by the effect it has had in future generations.

Although the twist was there during colonization when Africans begun to imitate the missionary’s lifestyle of knowledge sharing and acquisition through reading: the unfortunate thing is that this is no longer considered as a top priority in modern Africa.

The last type of reading has mostly remained in formal education of which the use is not merely for the acquisition of knowledge but entirely to remain current in the academic system and is wholly abandoned immediately formal education is over.

Hiding things to an African in Writing is entirely true, we prefer being told and not to find out and ask how. Reading is powerful, and that’s the ultimate principle of modernization.

A pprofessor of literature, rhetoric, and writing said ,“The truth is that most of us read continuously in a perpetual stream of incestuous words, but instead of reading novels, book reviews, or newspapers like we used to in the ancient regime (past), we now read text messages, social media, and bite-sized entries.”

Africa’s illiteracy is indeed in its poor reading culture and not necessarily the unavailability of information.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018


The philosophy of a free and happy society was among the themes after a vigorous attempt to crack down colonial guys from power. A land flowing with milk and honey was everyones song after our enemy got kicked out. The fellow black ruler brought a sense of belonging to the blessed land, seing their own taking a lead was every citizens dream. So satisfycing a gradual twist 50 shades of black rule down the line has painted the face of the worser evil, much advanced in uglyness than those in colonial authority. Uncertainty, selfishness, idiocy, mediocrity, inferiority and regionalism is now the color the system is painted in. Black man is now superior among his fellow black men. Despite of all this, still others would still utter "napoleon is always right"...will it still get worser than we are accustomed to?


''Dont suppose you know whats really happening simply by listening to the media,'' president jefferson. And a zambian patriot encourages i take interest in knowing whats going on in the society of which i did. I sit behind the telescreen-the news pops around evening, some workers protesting over poor work conditions, in balancing things up the media plays the recording for the managers defence. The opposite of the protesters is what his defence depicts and further paints them black. In the next heading, the elite says even if debt exceeds the GDP it doesnt outline the impossibility of paying back, their praise team applauds the claim saying even the US is in similar mess after all no country runs on no debt. The boomerang effect is sweeping through and the elite are now praying for manna, the praise team are bleeting that the rulers are always right. If the decision is wrong, it is right because its in effect. If it gets changed, then the reason is right. Whom do i take serious, the thesis or the antithesis, the other convincing you with their opinion and the latter assuming that the formers claim is mere fallacy. Taking none of the above seriously is okay, no polarisation but merely taking a strong root in the middle of these two extremes. He who has eyes will see.


A fairy looking young man walks up to my stall before mid morning and asks i break his money in units. Im unable to, so he flawns his face in what seems as a huge brawl imbedded in his cheeks. He turns and shoots his way straight to some noisy bulding. I understand his desire for a god. He looks smart but he is holding a guide in his palms which would have made him smarter, but the looks are outweighing his knowledge. He looks more worried for not donating part of his cash than more inquistive as to why he should never give out a cent. And many have fallen victim for the same. The document in his hands has rich information, there seems to be so much laziness for him to flip a page on his free accord or he sees the truth but never asks the obvious. He reads about white, when the preacher says the reading is black, then thats the ultimate truth. Never asks why afterall they are qualified for the job and maybe the third part of the trinity told them so. If he had a philosophical hunger, he would have just walked to the building not worried about the donating because he would have known the truth and the truth would have set him free...


these have signed a life contract with food. Give them books, achievements and all that can make humanity thrive, they would never appreciate that as long as food is absent. These are simply noise makers of the society ranging from academics, professionals, business men and the desperate common man. They find it difficult to use brains even at the least. They chose the leader who later messes with their favorite meal, they mourn at their reckless voting. They vow to vote for the other if opportunity strikes. The other useless eaters seem knowledgeable by mocking those who made that earlier decision. They claim their man would have been better off. But hey, human beings are unpredictable. Their thinking is that self success is synonymous to the larger society . They confine themselves with his riches after all its an indication of the persons hardwork. The worst hope is believing that fellow man will pull down your strings of poverty. But this is nothing to the useless eaters, they think by knowing the political drama down the hills then they are simply well informed. Suppose their claim is true, so what? Some LSK seat gets nullified, the useless eaters cheer not knowing a by election will cost much. But they will say its democracy and people ought to be heard. A typical useless answer from useless eaters, their tummies are more important than anything, instead of solutions. They prefer that which gets to the throne in their conformity. Its so true that man is enemy of himself, if he was left with no food to eat; he would kill his fellow man as food in order to survive. Democracy gave them a humble man and the humble man wanna extend his stay no matter the mourning. The man is already comfortable, cry blood, sulpher or an ocean democracy never gives a damn. The circus comes back to the useless eaters who mourn at their vote mismanagement. Its a rat race moving around a circle. The speed is great but the vector is minimal to the circle. If no thinking comes from the useless eaters, it will be the same agony jubiliation and cursing their decisions. As things stands THE MOURNING CONTINUES....


This has throughout history brought fourth a very useful anti thesis which tends to question why things ought to be this way not that. This doubt has in most ways proved that the thesis can be very strong. Aristotle concluded that the sun revolved around planet earth and was the center of the universe. this was like the ultimate truth and his claim was never challenged until newton begun questioning the claim, he struck the opposite and found it was the other way round and further found that gravity held the galaxy in place, many argued but something begun making whole lot of sense till date. If there was no strong antithesis against Aristotle, we would be ignorant of the truth around our galaxy. This example might help us in raising up the powerful antithesis that could not only benefit us but human beings in all. During pre elections I had a chat with an ardent political follower who sought for my opinion on who was the favorite to carry on and why. I replied that the incumbent devil known was the best. About whom I chose, I replied, none. Reason why my critical analysis gave me stronger antithesis of why each candidate was neither capable. Just like the US scenario was between a compromised woman and a mad man. Strong cadres never asked their leaders the why question, but asked the opponents leader why. This is the most wicked part, the ignorant part. Sometimes I'm labeled negative minded as to why I don't attend certain events, celebrate something or follow the crowd. Negative minded people can be compared to villains in fictitious movies and books where their opinion matters, and never acknowledge the positive side. On the other hand doubtful minds acknowledge the existing thesis which seems like an incomplete synthesis and brings in a most satisfying conclusion. Although the chain goes on and on not that the antithesis can bring in the very best, but at least can very much reduce our ignorance. Take for example Jesus disciples, despite knowing their Master to be an all wise man, they doubted some of his sayings. They brought in the antithesis which he later explained and everyone was satisfied. In this scenario the negative minded are those that despite all the proof and arguments, they valued their opposition to be the only way. Doubting Thomas wouldn't believe if his antithesis was never challenged by touching the wounds of Jesus. He would never have believed in the resurrecting Christ. Therefore those who believe and are satisfied are the most duped and vulnerable in society because they have a shuttered mind but those have a doubtful mind find new ways and solutions. Their minds are in search for the most truthful and excellent ways of doing things. They discover the truth, and the truth makes them free.


Several causes of depression can be summarised into one NEEDS especially those that touch emotions, anxiety and hunger. Common examples for each are love, affection, trust, expectations and gold hunting (hustling). He that is unable to control his needs tend to spend most of his time in frustration, panic and being stressed out which finally gets him depressed. Its not easy to manage this part of our being due to its tendency of being a part of our daily life. Most are unable to pull out of this dreadful life cycle. They work harder to try and satisfy or impress the needy part. For the rest of their lives, they always do so but end up poorer, exhausted and depressed. An example is a retiree around who realised he has been a slave all his youthood. No matter ones hard work, the needy part is never satisfied. The more one tries to satisfy his needs, the more he gets depressed. The alternate solution is mostly ignored, thus a relaxed mind that is frequently oiled with knowledge. If the hustler oiled his mind with adequate of such, he would be using the little he has to generate more. And eventually, this reduces his chances of overworking. King Solomon is no touch, he asked for the brains and everything was falling in place, Gold, silver e.t.c. investing in the brain is very helpful and can both treat our needs because we may manage our approach to humans, material things and our emotional part. But the needy part is given much consideration no wonder some are aging faster due to man made pressure. Needs differ each day, today feeling like acting crooked, the other day honestly. Today feeling like eating all day the other drinking. But investing to help oneself sharpen thinking is very satisfying because it can be used anytime and any day and less likely cause depression provided that the information is absolutely correct. Those that enjoy a healthy and happy life are not driven by needs but by a free and relaxed mind that is continually taking in knowledge.


well, the bad news is time ticks at the same interval since the big bang. Time doesn't wait for a next year to be correct. It has always been and it will always be. The mistake is miscalculation and wrong timing. The next calendar will soon tick half the total days and someone will lay back and say maybe the coming year is fruitful. Many businesses started due to an insufficiency, emergency or an absence and those who crawl out of poverty take advantage of their insufficiency and utilise things around. P.W Botha classified Africans as lazy and couldn't plan beyond a year. In as much as this may sound to be racist, the truth cannot be run away from. An average African is just waiting for next year.
Most are planning to get money, only a few are planning to get rich. Those who want money have a planning deficit of thinking below the next 365 days. Those targeting richness are calculating moves in ages 5,10 e.t.c. try telling someone your plans for the next 5 years, they may even laugh at you for thinking crazy after all some fellow who lives abroad and has stacks to blow says YOLO, sounds like someone urging you to stop thinking of the next second suppose you run short of oxygen. Its a two way thing, what if you continue to exist despite the contaminated oxygen around and next you even suspect a witch in your lineage to be the cause of the misery.
Most yearly plans end as a joke. There is little effort in trying to satisfy the needs in a single year unless if its just self investment such as looks or meagre improvements in cash flow (job hunt). Real achievements are attained in a long run such as dream career, dream house, dream everything. And they come on cracked plates


Many inventions have been inspired by nature. E.g Aeroplanes from birds. Ships from aquatic creatures. Speaker s from eardrum. The list goes on. The way of life for human beings can wholly be compared to an ecosystem involving food chain. From grass to impala to lion. The lower the rank on the chain, the more vulnerable the living thing. The higher the rank, the most elite the creature and the less the vulnerability. This inequality is what keeps the system fully balanced and thriving provided humans didn't exist. The elite in this system take advantage of the weak creatures. They are untouchable apart from mere parasite's that give them difficult times. Despite them being in the same Savannah grasslands there is conflict among these creature's. This can help in explaining Karl Marxs theories on the evils of capitalism, a human food chain. The impalas are the weak, poor, working class, the old and just average members of the society. The lions are the limit in the human ranks. Those enjoying the top most are the decision makers, capitalist and rulers. These are the untouchables of the society. The parasites that trouble mostly the impalas and less the lions are a tax man. The lions can get scot free by bribing a tax man but the impalas are taxed even before receiving his peanut's. This creates an imbalance in society. The elites are answerable to no one. When the impalas try to revolt the kings of the savannah halt down supplies and the same noisy impalas come back to beg for a restoration. Its a mingle of giraffe's for the elites, they can turn the wind in any direction and see tomorrow. Its the cry of the tortoise on the grass, they sit back and watch the elite In admiration whilst cursing them to be evil people. Fact is life gives us things equally, land, sea and everything in them. Its because of a decision a second ago that distincts the sheeps from goats, impala from lions, giraffes from tortoise and the capitalist from a working class.


Whats happening may be fun to others but its digging up wounds all over that may be ripe for bleeding anytime. Thinking has been the most difficult task we seem to have. Emotions outweighs any possibilities of using the brain diligently. Whats in front is the ultimate, we dont bother to ask why something is in front. The risk is a blind man asking a blind man to lead him, they both fall in a dish. The meaning is that almost everyone that has internet access has a key to out burst their last ounce of stupidity, they become analysts in sport, economics, politics although i never saw one in science. A scroll down social media timeline ages some of us in miliseconds. The exchange of words, the curses, the enmity, the unfrendly approach that users use, it looks like no one of them really cares for human life anymore. They are alive only because its illegal to shoot them. We would be wiped if that werent the case. In animal farm, the animals failed to differntiate man from pigs and vice versa because of similar behavior. The living is that of animals but some animals behave even better than curren humans. If all laws stop functioning due to a declaration, no affiliation will save any, we will be hanging like dry meat in our cabins with no basic needs. We may see it funny to want a feel of what it is like to see a swarm of bullets frying directionalessly but the cost when the play is over will take long for people to recover from. Just how tragic the assumed fun can bring...a fight is better fought when you are just watching not when you are acting.


this law tries to fuse incompatible charecters together but the result turns out undesirable.
Saudi arabia runs smoothly with a king, China runs richly on communism, Britain is intact with the Queen, Western nations run with democracy...Africa suffers because of incompatible system impossed on it, democracy.
A more diverse land with different tongues maybe difficult to run by one person, they are incompatible despite being black. Each of the tongue feels safer under whom they can easily relate to verbally. It started at the tower of Babel, each one followed whom they can easily communicate with. Its written, it cant change. The chinease share common traits, alphabet, language and culture hence are organised whilst each leader is compatible. Americans are known to be more patriotic and condone their common nonsense such as homosexuality e.t.c that is compatible hence they are strong.
Nigerias Biafra people are not compatible with the rest of that country hence pushing for independence, there is an undesired effect going on. Some experts claim that the drawing of imaginery borders and puting up of one ruler for the incompatible people is a major reason why we are suffering. Everyone wants representation but the system allows one person at a time. Borders separated clans and nations and put together enemy clans and nations under one flask, a case of Rwanda of which the undesired effect littered its people everywhere.
Therefore, to achieve compatibility, each nation should have at least their own leader (Chief) just like swaziland and lesotho. Each nations bounderies would have been borders. Maybe clan clashes would still exist but only to fight for grazing land not for who stole the previous cast. Every one will have a leader they may bow to, a leader they may recognise and the one they may call boss like the minions in despicable me. We would then be compatible and strong.


Ndola was a great city when it was a production oriented are, it crumbled after production went low and consumption became high. Kabwe is now a consumer ghost town because of no production. Livingstone survives on foreign adventurers. Mansa would have ceased to be a village if that factory was still running and so is kapiri mposhi.
A shopping mall got opened last week and it made headlines about influx of development in a new chipata city (although still a village). Its indeed great news that our people will get good services and products as well as Creation of employement. The chain stores introduced have an unbalanced scale of who will benefit more, those from outside country. The owners will request a producer outside who will give their produce to a driver outside whilst crossing borders paying taxes outside and brings the produce to the store. As people in here buy, the chainstore manager who is hired from outside sends money outside and our tax man is given discarded coins only for shutting him up. The arithmetic is too long to decipher but in all honesty we need to get worried, many malls means more food and products getting through our borders because we can not satisfy ourselves with our own-we dont make them. There is total nothing to celebrate for about that construction, its a tse tse fly among herds. Milking every ounce from the host, we celebrated exploitation. There was happiness that the exploiters are in. Inviting a buglar for a bounquet, giving him your best sit and entertainment only for him to leave with sacks of drachnas at midnight when you are fast asleep. If what was commissioned was a production company, our celebration would have been a genuine and rewarding one. Bring back the bicycle factory and the village city will indeed be upgraded and not into its current mediocre state. Production over consumption.


A brave man is he who admits his wrongs and the forgiver doesnt seem weak by cancelling a wrong doers debt. But this apology needs further redress. Two points needed for this is (1) desparation on the wrong doer (2) desparation on the forgiver.
(1)Desparation on the wrong doer.
The japanease, the indians and several western countries have labled Africans as inferiors. When Africans heard so, they said that was racism. Those speakers apologized for saying so and africans celebrated. It has been the same circus all along. Now if those western leaders can have courage to utter those remarks against Africans in public, imagine what they say in private. They talk more even. Our own brother prejudiced southerners publicly since over a year now, the people cried but the brother never bothered to even say sorry. Unconfortability turns soar for the brother as those he rode the horses for nolonger wants his services. Abandoned, cold, lonly, lost and disappointed because that band wagon cannot accomodate him no more, he turns to a wagon dominated by the southerns. He goes step by step through humiliation to seek for apology and the peaceful people accepts it without conditions. Now suppose the brother was still riding his fomer horses, would he have apologized? Or it needed the man to be sent into exile to realize how wrong he was all along? Or maybe he needs survival of the game by having no option but to join the people he prejudiced. The first two questions holds no water because they seem not to be genuine reasons. The last one stands out. The apology is like a kiss of judah, another way to continue getting 30 pieces of silver. If it took all along to realise his wrongs after making that statement, what more does he say when a journalist is not within his radius. Like those white supremests, they even congratulate themselves behind doors for humiliating Africans. But all in all, a politician will defend his move the same they defended that move. They are always right depending on which side they are seeing things from.
(2) Desparation on the forgiver. The American CIA can be sent even for 20 years to track down a terrorist. An agent may disguise themselves for all these years among the terrorist group until an opportunity strikes. Whatever happens in those years does not concern them. Their ultimate goal is to become victors by halting terrorism. Now in this case, the forgivers seem to be more concerned with what the terrorist will bring at last somewhere in 2021. Question is, if the man was still in his previous charriot, will they have started praising his move provided he apologized? Or they would have forgiven his words but still consider him bad anyway?. Forgiving is necessary but is it really a key opener to see how one is made of provided he joins you? Has anything changed of the man? Or he has brought with him an entry point. The last question is the main reason for the jubiliation. Whatever happens in war is none of the presidents business. when soldiers die or get wounded to purse victory: it is that victory that matters the most. The doer may have caused pain among the people, but that seems not to matter now because he will help make the opposite waggon win the next race. Thats all is needed. Forgiveness is vital, but it seems to be conditional. The man has changed from bad to darling in a blink of an eye. There maybe instant change but still the forgivers are concerned with victory. Nowander the game seems to be about if you are not with us, then you are against us. If all those in the rulling class were to jump on the opposite, they may be darlings period! Then who are really qualified to rule. Because its the same people getting recycled except for top a top most leader.
If this is the case then why waste resources recycling same people. Just maintain the positions and maybe we can be voting only one top most leader every half decade to rule as president.


One man walked up to me. Gave me an invitation to get to his church, i asked why i should be there. He responded because jesus loves me and that the spirit has directed him to speak to me and also that its a requirement in the bible to gather with church goers for spiritual encouragement. I burried that invitational paper in my pockets and we saw each other off. In a space of 2 months i received about three invitations from different denominations of which i turned down. The only time i read the last invitation was before washing after suspecting some loose money in one of my pockets. Like a vulture, i patiently read word by word what the printed words meant. But most eye catching was the cover picture that contained some sort of a familiar man among addent church goers. And below where captions, come for deliverance, come for healing and miracles. The first cover was enough for me to turn down the very invitation. It didnt qualify for invitation but marketing. Change in human tradition has read to things such as beliefs tuned to impress the same change. Christian friends defend that invitation but in all scepticism i pity friends who make the defence. They are seeds that fell on hard rock, no matter the water and manure, they fell to spring forth. My debates become like two strong supporters of political parties or football teams. As long as everyone has enough time in the world, they can debate all decades without either succumbing. But only one of the two speaks the truth. Its difficult to change someones belief but if my debaters one day have an open mind, they will cry to learn how much they have been lied to. An example is belief in santa claus or christmas. It may take ages to get over such a belief rooted in them since birth. Its simple, i would have gone there after an invite but why putting up those irrelevant poster that could not move my spirit. Miracles? Have seen so much and sounds like a cliche now. The argument maybe that it brings people close to God, but does having money determine that all friends chanting your name are truly for you? They just need service and help. Those that invite due to mirracles are at the same risk, most of these have been disbanded after each one walks away with a miracle. People need free things not to listen to serious things. It bleeds to turn around to see the same mediocrity as desparation mounts on people. I yearn for such a message that will tell the truth not to impress humans such as jesus sermons on the mountain that could really get me down on my knees. No where to run to than flip bible pages on your won. Thats where sense becomes true. But someone will say it needs interpretation from a man with a spirit, but they eventually contradict themselves on one verse. And no one can argue, they are all led by a suspected holy


The cliche says it makes perfect but wrong application of the phrase has been a norm among many. When scientist want to take a test. They intoduce a sample to the experiment in form of any animal. In case things go bad, they can revert the experiment until further improvement. After perfection, the experiment becomes human friendly. On the contrary, many fail to take up a scientists example. Instead of observing the people who volunteered to be testing samples for life experiment, they themselves become a part of the sample.
Unlike a scientist who may change the course of a bad experiment, it becomes disastrous for a many to withdraw from the experiment. Playing a real life heroic charecter has a difficult rewind button. In most cases, it becomes too late. Keep back and observe those volunteers and reference them to similar charecters. It may help to distance you from falling in the circles of a destructive life equation.


Watched the wonderful match yester evening and on one side of Fans, a banner ran in praise of a countries president. Maybe the money for travelling was given by the same president is not known, but one thing certain is how slowly each sector is becoming political. It may not be a suprise to see someone getting cured of a long ill-ness and giving praise to some president. The praise is getting off hand as people will now worship individuals holding the same spot. Still the debate can ensue with others justifying the same act and thats the uselessness of democracy because it requires approval by majority who lack brain capacity to offer opinions. And at last, those majority wins. Too much praise is hurtful and dangerous, there ought to be a limit on the extent but as Einstein said, heaven is limitless and so is stupidity.


And so i bumped into one ex classmate and got amazed i could compose and narrate professionally in all my telescreen packages. I honestly knew you could script better than you spoke in English, ran his joke. I agreed, but time is racing so does humanity. i can now speak as fluent as my vernacular. but one thing i assured, it never bothered me to have known a foreign language. if i never knew it suppose it wasn't a requirement on all points of entry i would have been grad i never spent my time learning the tongue provided my mother tongue was rich in all science and philosophy. now a black mans knowledge is measured by how much he speaks a western tongue and more praise is given to a black man who has said he has completely forgotten his mother tongue. it may be difficult to bring such people to terms that they never overlook or even making one language superior than the other which ever is your strength shouldn't act like a primitive undertaking. like one primitive teacher who pronounced 'perfectly' as 'po-fall-ktly' and despised those that had a hard tongue despite communicating correctly. She said that should be a standard to speak like the Brits do; like making one twist his tongue which i never saw as a crime among Germans, Russians, French, Indians or Chinese. Anyway the teacher was fooled to have had her tongue colonised not knowing that she found her place in a wrong location. like my classmate, i have met several people who wants that foreign language perfection. based on what my fellow liberalised black men have come to learn about mis-education of Africans, it may even be appropriate to despise western languages. It will be understandable to even imprison people who will be ignorant in this information age because it does not require tertially education to know the truth of everything around but merely ones capability to read and write.


SOCIALISM: You have two cows, and you give
one to your neighbor.
COMMUNISM: You have two cows, the
government takes both and gives you milk.
FASCISM: You have two cows, the
government takes both and sells you milk.
NAZISM: You have two cows, the
government takes them and kills you.
CAPITALISM: You have two cows, you sell one
and buy a male. You multiply your cows and
there is economic growth. You sell them,
you retire and you live on your profits.
MODERN CAPITALISM: You have two cows,
you sell one and buy a male. You multiply
your cows and you buy those of your
neighbors. The latter become your
shepherds, you pay them in monkey
currencies and they die poor.
AMERICAN SOCIETY: You have two cows, you
sell one and you have to make the other one
to produce milk like 4 cows. By dint of
producing beyond her capacity, she dies.
You take a consultant to understand this
FRENCH SOCIETY: You have two cows, you go
on strike because you want a third.
GERMAN SOCIETY: You have two cows, you
modify them so that they live 100 years, eat
once a month and treat themselves.
CHINESE SOCIETY: You have two cows, you
sell milk to your compatriots and you
produce plastic milk to export to the rest of
the world.
cows, you eat them all the same day and you
dream that donors or the international
community give you others. You go to a
church or a mosque pray to Jesus or Allah
for them to give you other cows. You fast 40
days and 40 nights without eating or
drinking so that the cows will fall from
Heaven. You recite "Hail Mary" a million times
without success. You look for passages that
speak of cows in the Bible or the Quran
hoping to see the cows appear. At the end
you have no strength to read the Bible or
the Quran. You become a prophet of _the
good news of the cows_ that will be coming
soon. You die in extreme poverty


The literacy of people on the principle of democracy has turned out timely and definitely coincidental with the emergency of social media. The beauty about social media is that there is little or no regulation in most developing states hence gives citizens a voice they never had.
Several political groups are currently in existence comprising of members numbering in their myriads. Interesting debates are almost ongoing week-in and week-out. They react to breaking news in an instance, however only a handful are reasonable while the rest have found a boundless platform to outperform others in stupidity.
That’s not the worry, sadness is about what happens to those handful people who can outline sense. They may not be the first in history to point out loopholes in state affairs, they simply join a band wagon of protesters and critics but how often are their cries taken into consideration? Do those in public office have time to read those thoughts on the media?
People have found a voice through media but who really takes them into consideration? Only a few are answered especially those that are deemed libelous to the state.
The few sensible ones keeps washed away by new updates and ideas vanish meanwhile the chain continues. Now a perfect voice does not lie in demonstrations, parading and social network complaints. These acts are a scratch, like a bullet that is shot at an animal to make it run faster.
A perfect voice is never spoken, it just commands silently and everyone hears it. For example, the wealthy determine what the fuel price on the world market would be either to adjust or slump the price and each country abides in no protest.
Having exemplary wealth is one such voice. Take for instance one makes a car assembly plant and employs more people than all primary school teachers combined, he has that powerful voice that government can easily succumb to, his voice is not meant for petty cries like fire tenders and does not beg for freedom of expression like many do.
He may control what government ought to decide and may change government decision in a blink of an eye. For example when Chikwanda introduced taxes to charge mining firms exporting dust, the mines decided to withdraw. The minister in no time revoked the articles. The fear was that thousands may lose jobs, then a newly elected government may be declared a failure already by a population infiltrated by the jobless.
But of course scribes will mourn that not everyone can afford wealth but that’s reality taking nothing from the blabbering. Only money makes government submit and not petty cries. Wealth is indeed a perfect voice.


The army commander in zim is one clever chap, for instance he says he took over the capital to crack down Bobs enemies. Fact is if Pro Bob soldiers decide to offer a burdening resistance, the man would never be charged with treason foregoing his earlier statement. One worry is how he says there is no military coup but Bob is under house arrest. Seems like water in a sack, it cannot be held fully. Police are one set of fluffys needing to sort out rivals according to professed African democracy and not the Army. Bob is kicked, no other words to describe it.


And so i provoked a certain individual with a certain topic and got amazed he could justly articulate the topic.
One absurd moment got me to cut the discussion abruptly.
Reason was that i used a wrong example. But it will never be an exercise anyway. Like a mathematical exercise involving an additional problem in monetary terms, if the teacher uses an additional example involving animals, how wrong will his example be because he did not use monetary terms but animals? For example jesus would use a seed to describe heaven, heaven and seed are different but his example was not wrong, it helped to embed his teachings. An example doesnt need to sound exactly as the exercise as long as the rules used are similar.
One woman on a date was singing a song for her man like ''...when birds sing I...''
The man quickly ordered her woman to shut up, reason was that birds dont sing.
In another instance, two men discussing about how they gonna manage two deals in one time, one friend says, this is how we gonna kill two birds with one stone. The friend bursted in laughter telling his friend that he was crazy, how could two deals eventually turn into birds?
Its difficult to continue conversating with such people who always needs a math involving animals to always involve animals in example. If suppose an exercise is all about addition of humans, an example involving animals is definately wrong.


Every living being has such opposition. The best response is not to complain over that as it may eat one up. Silence and Ignoring are the only remedies. Like confucious said, Hate is like holding a burning coal in your hand, it never burns the one you aiming at but you holding it. Applying silence and ignoring hates the doer, whats the purpose of hating someone who is not aware that you hating in the first place, and it hurts to know that they dont care of your hate they know nothing about.


A popular site updates how the Fitch Ratings Agency has downgraded the economy into a B negative. Several hours later, a few seem to care by showing concern.
Minutes after, it updates about a 78 year woman who rapes a 19 year old boy. In no seconds, hundreds seem to care and showing concern.
In journalism, odd news makes headlines. And this gives a big reason to worry for the future of the nation, youths need not care what has happened to the economy but to the poor boy.


What happened at CBU is like what used happen to our grandparents before 1964 except this time the one with the whip is a fellow black man. In this country, the most definite right is access to oxygen. The rest do not apply when you speak or protest against the elites. Its a death sentence for yourself. Feeling outraged? Keep shut or you will become a statistic. And if your zip has weak grips, get ready to be a late hero. the philosophy for black independence was Justice and equity, but today what we are indirectly told out of all this injustice is
1. Never criticise.
2. You dont like something, then get liking it.
3. Pretent all is well, never show disatisfiction.
4. There is nothing wrong going on around.
5. Dont cry for whats yours, it is a crime.
6. To remain free, keep shut.
7. There is no brutality from the coercive apparatus, its law and order.
8. You are in their arms, they have all your keys.
9. Remember to keep your praises so that you can atleast remain afloat in the system.
10. Most importantly, emurate that Mineral Province minister.
We are taught to be patriotic but we still feel insecure in our own land. Those that needs to protect us are now the ones hurting us. Helpless here we live for the past 50 years just waiting for the wind to carry us to wherever. At this juncture, it hurts being born in a question (?) marked Africa.


On the Rightists, there is neighther hope nor inspiration for a better tomorrow. On the Leftists, there is neighther hope nor inspiration that they can make a better tomorrow. They are the same waste getting recycled.

The crimes of the Roman Catholic Church.

By Mbanga Irvine
The crimes of the Roman Catholic Church.
It is undeniable that the Roman Catholic Church does more charitable works than other known church, and has taken lead in political reconciliation but this is at the backdrop of the so many crimes the church has committed against other christians past ages. The following are the known cases of murder and abuse recorded in their books and secular ones; remember these crimes were not committed by individual members but by the church system as a whole.
1. Jan Hus;
A preacher from Bohemia, Czech Republic, 1369-1415 was accused of heresy and burned at the stake for his preaching by the Catholic Church.
2. William Tyndale;
1494-1536 the man who translated
most part of the modern Bible to English, the author of King Jämës Version, did all that at the opposition of the Catholic Church, burned at the stake for translating the Bible for the common man.
3. Girolamo Savonarola;
1452-98, a preacher and fervent faster who solely converted the whole city of Florence by his preaching, accused by the Catholic Church of heresy, hanged and burned at the stake by Pope Alexander V.
4. Martin Luther;
1483-1546, a former catholic monk and father of the Protestant reformation which is cause for the formation of most modern churches, opposed, castigated and fought against by the Catholic Church for translating the Bible to the common man's language German and holding belief in salvation by faith and the Bible being the sole instructor of faith till his death.
5. Thomas Cranmer;1489-1557, an English reformer and Bishop of Canterbury, accused of being a heretic by the Catholic Church and executed.
6. John Wycliffe;
1320-85, a reformer and Bible translator, translated the entire New Testament in English. He was accused as a heretic by the Catholic Church at the council of Constance and all his writings burned and his corpse exhumed and his ashes thrown into River Swift.
7. Hugh Latimer;
1487-1555, a pioneer of Anglicanism, burned at the stake by Queen Mary under the instruction of the Catholic Church.
8. The Huguenots;
16-17th century French reformers, mostly calvinists that were severely persecuted by the Catholic Church, more than 80% of them murdered by the Catholic Church on the eve of St Bartholomew's day massacre.
It seems Jesus's word was proved right when he said "a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are doing a service to God, they will do such things because they have not known the father of me" -John 16:2-3.
Secondly, while these revelations will shock many modern Christians, it is no shock to fervent bible readers as all these crimes where foretold in the prophetic book of Daniel, "As I watched this horn/power was waging war war against the saints and defeating them" -Daniel 7:21.
"Those who are wise will instruct many but for a little time they will fall by the sword, or be burned or be captured or plundered" -Daniel 11:33.
Why this information today? Well here are the reasons;
-In Revelation chapter 17 is given a writing about a woman who rides on the beast with the number 666 who was drunk with the blood of the saints- Revelation 17:6, the Lord calls her Babylon the great the mother of prostitutes. In Revelation 18:24 again the Lord says in her was found the blood of prophets and of the saints"
Could it be the Catholic Church power?
Two identifying factors;
-Revelation 17:4 The woman was adorned in scarlet, purple and glittering in gold.
-Coincidentally, the official colors of the Catholic Church are scarlet/red, purple and gold.
-Revelation 17:18 The woman you saw is that great city that rules over the Kings of the earth.
-Coincidentally, as AD 90, the city of Rome was the headquarters of the world and it is the current location of headquarters of the Catholic Church - The Vatican.
There is a statement In the Bible that the Dragon gave the beast its power , seat and great authority-Revelation 13:2,4. Did anyone give the church any seat, power and authority? A compact history of the popes page 21, The Emperor Constantine gave his own palace at the Lateran to Pope Meltiades as his official resident. The palace that in AD 90 was declared by Jesus as being the city which was ruled over the Kings of the earth in which the blood of the saints is found which ruled over the kings of the earth-Rev 17:18.
All the references in the Bible coincide with historical information about the Roman Catholic Church systems, and The Lord has a message for those belonging to this system and its sub churches....
"Fallen is Babylon, come out her my people so that you don't share in any of her sins-Revelation 14:8, 18:2,4-5."
It's now left up to every Christian to find out if his/her church is a child system of the Catholic Church by structure or doctrinal beliefs.

A Chat with the Tax Man

Task man said, “I am extremely happy that many of my relatives are in your country, the latest been internet tax.  “But why are you happy ...