Wednesday, May 23, 2018


This has throughout history brought fourth a very useful anti thesis which tends to question why things ought to be this way not that. This doubt has in most ways proved that the thesis can be very strong. Aristotle concluded that the sun revolved around planet earth and was the center of the universe. this was like the ultimate truth and his claim was never challenged until newton begun questioning the claim, he struck the opposite and found it was the other way round and further found that gravity held the galaxy in place, many argued but something begun making whole lot of sense till date. If there was no strong antithesis against Aristotle, we would be ignorant of the truth around our galaxy. This example might help us in raising up the powerful antithesis that could not only benefit us but human beings in all. During pre elections I had a chat with an ardent political follower who sought for my opinion on who was the favorite to carry on and why. I replied that the incumbent devil known was the best. About whom I chose, I replied, none. Reason why my critical analysis gave me stronger antithesis of why each candidate was neither capable. Just like the US scenario was between a compromised woman and a mad man. Strong cadres never asked their leaders the why question, but asked the opponents leader why. This is the most wicked part, the ignorant part. Sometimes I'm labeled negative minded as to why I don't attend certain events, celebrate something or follow the crowd. Negative minded people can be compared to villains in fictitious movies and books where their opinion matters, and never acknowledge the positive side. On the other hand doubtful minds acknowledge the existing thesis which seems like an incomplete synthesis and brings in a most satisfying conclusion. Although the chain goes on and on not that the antithesis can bring in the very best, but at least can very much reduce our ignorance. Take for example Jesus disciples, despite knowing their Master to be an all wise man, they doubted some of his sayings. They brought in the antithesis which he later explained and everyone was satisfied. In this scenario the negative minded are those that despite all the proof and arguments, they valued their opposition to be the only way. Doubting Thomas wouldn't believe if his antithesis was never challenged by touching the wounds of Jesus. He would never have believed in the resurrecting Christ. Therefore those who believe and are satisfied are the most duped and vulnerable in society because they have a shuttered mind but those have a doubtful mind find new ways and solutions. Their minds are in search for the most truthful and excellent ways of doing things. They discover the truth, and the truth makes them free.

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