Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Nowadays it is no longer a surprise to see almost anyone with a smartphone in Africa, great thanks to technology hence allowing users to access the internet at unprecedented levels.

According to a report published by GSMA on Africa’s mobile economy number of smartphone connections across the continent almost doubled over the years, reaching 226 million. Selling prices have dropped from an average of $230 in 2012 to $160 in 2015.

It’s no doubt this immense development has brought access to knowledge on food, culture, economics and politics. With internet explosion, one would argue that Africa would eloquently become informed due to availability of knowledge it’s sad to note otherwise.

But the question is, what do Africans do on internet: browsing, chatting, researching or reading? Due to low levels of innovation and information sharing, one would expect the African culture to find it more fun in reading and researching due to a wide range of materials the internet provides.

Some people are spotted spending countless hours on the internet and having one core business there and certainly one of them is not actually reading. Primarily, what most people do is engage into mindless arguing and professional trolling.

Even with the availability of e-magazines and newspapers, the vast majority of smartphone users continue to remain uninformed.

No matter how accessible things have become, African culture is not just a reading culture by evidence of how it preserved history orally and not literally with barely any written records. This is evidenced by the effect it has had in future generations.

Although the twist was there during colonization when Africans begun to imitate the missionary’s lifestyle of knowledge sharing and acquisition through reading: the unfortunate thing is that this is no longer considered as a top priority in modern Africa.

The last type of reading has mostly remained in formal education of which the use is not merely for the acquisition of knowledge but entirely to remain current in the academic system and is wholly abandoned immediately formal education is over.

Hiding things to an African in Writing is entirely true, we prefer being told and not to find out and ask how. Reading is powerful, and that’s the ultimate principle of modernization.

A pprofessor of literature, rhetoric, and writing said ,“The truth is that most of us read continuously in a perpetual stream of incestuous words, but instead of reading novels, book reviews, or newspapers like we used to in the ancient regime (past), we now read text messages, social media, and bite-sized entries.”

Africa’s illiteracy is indeed in its poor reading culture and not necessarily the unavailability of information.

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