Wednesday, May 23, 2018


this law tries to fuse incompatible charecters together but the result turns out undesirable.
Saudi arabia runs smoothly with a king, China runs richly on communism, Britain is intact with the Queen, Western nations run with democracy...Africa suffers because of incompatible system impossed on it, democracy.
A more diverse land with different tongues maybe difficult to run by one person, they are incompatible despite being black. Each of the tongue feels safer under whom they can easily relate to verbally. It started at the tower of Babel, each one followed whom they can easily communicate with. Its written, it cant change. The chinease share common traits, alphabet, language and culture hence are organised whilst each leader is compatible. Americans are known to be more patriotic and condone their common nonsense such as homosexuality e.t.c that is compatible hence they are strong.
Nigerias Biafra people are not compatible with the rest of that country hence pushing for independence, there is an undesired effect going on. Some experts claim that the drawing of imaginery borders and puting up of one ruler for the incompatible people is a major reason why we are suffering. Everyone wants representation but the system allows one person at a time. Borders separated clans and nations and put together enemy clans and nations under one flask, a case of Rwanda of which the undesired effect littered its people everywhere.
Therefore, to achieve compatibility, each nation should have at least their own leader (Chief) just like swaziland and lesotho. Each nations bounderies would have been borders. Maybe clan clashes would still exist but only to fight for grazing land not for who stole the previous cast. Every one will have a leader they may bow to, a leader they may recognise and the one they may call boss like the minions in despicable me. We would then be compatible and strong.

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