Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Many inventions have been inspired by nature. E.g Aeroplanes from birds. Ships from aquatic creatures. Speaker s from eardrum. The list goes on. The way of life for human beings can wholly be compared to an ecosystem involving food chain. From grass to impala to lion. The lower the rank on the chain, the more vulnerable the living thing. The higher the rank, the most elite the creature and the less the vulnerability. This inequality is what keeps the system fully balanced and thriving provided humans didn't exist. The elite in this system take advantage of the weak creatures. They are untouchable apart from mere parasite's that give them difficult times. Despite them being in the same Savannah grasslands there is conflict among these creature's. This can help in explaining Karl Marxs theories on the evils of capitalism, a human food chain. The impalas are the weak, poor, working class, the old and just average members of the society. The lions are the limit in the human ranks. Those enjoying the top most are the decision makers, capitalist and rulers. These are the untouchables of the society. The parasites that trouble mostly the impalas and less the lions are a tax man. The lions can get scot free by bribing a tax man but the impalas are taxed even before receiving his peanut's. This creates an imbalance in society. The elites are answerable to no one. When the impalas try to revolt the kings of the savannah halt down supplies and the same noisy impalas come back to beg for a restoration. Its a mingle of giraffe's for the elites, they can turn the wind in any direction and see tomorrow. Its the cry of the tortoise on the grass, they sit back and watch the elite In admiration whilst cursing them to be evil people. Fact is life gives us things equally, land, sea and everything in them. Its because of a decision a second ago that distincts the sheeps from goats, impala from lions, giraffes from tortoise and the capitalist from a working class.

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